
90% of public donations go directly to funding our projects. Pisco Sin Fronteras is funded solely by volunteer contributions and donations, unlike so many other non profit organisations PSF does not ask for any participation fees from its volunteers. We do not have huge operating costs, marketing budgets or salaried Management staff which could reduce the percentage of your donation going to the people of Pisco. We do however incur some unavoidable project running costs, therefore we ask that 10% of all donations be designated to assist covering these. These costs can include such project costs as: running our truck, printing costs for our office and purchasing/maintaining our tools.
raise the roof!

A bed to sleep on, a place to store your clothes and a table to eat on are basics that most of us take for granted. Many of the people of Pisco sleep on dirt floors as a result of not having the money to furnish their homes. Just $25 can buy a family furniture.
Give a family furniture
Give a family furniture
raise the roof!

One in six people treated at the local Medical Clinic suffer from respiratory diseases as a result of living on dirt floors. You can play a big part in eliminating this statistic. Providing a family with a concrete floor can help irradicate this problem; just $200 can buy a family a concrete floor.
Give a family a concrete floor
Give a family a concrete floor
raise the roof!

When living in the desert, protection from the winter winds and summer sun are critical to maintaining a good standard of health. Protect a family from the elements by providing a roof for their home. $216 builds a secure roof for a family´s home.
Give a family a roof
Give a family a roof
What can I donate to?
If you would like to donate to Pisco Sin Fronteras, here are the the three main options of where your money can go.
If there is a particular project you wish to donate to PLEASE PLEASE let us know by emailing us confirmation to
Miracle Fund
Most of the help PSF provides is by sending labour (our volunteers) and our tools to sites that already have the materials for the project. By donating to the Miracle Fund PSF is able to buy materials for those most in need. Without Miracle Fund donations we are often unable to help those who do not alreday have materials to complete the projects.
These projects need a miracle, your donation is it!
One of our Miracle Projects is the Aceros Arequipa Housing Project. For only $500 you can “Adopt a Home”: paying for the entire construction and completetion of a sturdy, safe home for a family here in Pisco.
For more information see our “Adopt a Home” page.
Tools Fund
Without tools there is very little work we can do as many of our projects are construction/demolition based. New tools and tool repairs are always necessary. By donating to this fund you keep our saws sawing and our drills drilling! Without donations to our Tools Fund most of our work just can´t get done.
If you wish to donate the tools themsleves please see our wishlist and get in touch.
Operations Fund
It may not sound as glamourous as tools or miracles but without donations to our operations PSF would be unable to function. Funds here power our tools, our headquarters, our volunteers, our truck and all our amazing work here in Pisco.
Specifically this fund is what drives our whole operation, it pays our rent and utilities for our headquarters, our transport to assess project sites before we begin work, repairs to our truck, food to keep our volunteers moving, internet to run our website and attract volunteers and a million other things besides.
Without donations to the operations fund PSF cannot be here to assist with the regeneration of this community.
If there is a particular project you wish to donate to PLEASE PLEASE let us know by emailing us confirmation to
Miracle Fund
Most of the help PSF provides is by sending labour (our volunteers) and our tools to sites that already have the materials for the project. By donating to the Miracle Fund PSF is able to buy materials for those most in need. Without Miracle Fund donations we are often unable to help those who do not alreday have materials to complete the projects.
These projects need a miracle, your donation is it!
One of our Miracle Projects is the Aceros Arequipa Housing Project. For only $500 you can “Adopt a Home”: paying for the entire construction and completetion of a sturdy, safe home for a family here in Pisco.
For more information see our “Adopt a Home” page.
Tools Fund
Without tools there is very little work we can do as many of our projects are construction/demolition based. New tools and tool repairs are always necessary. By donating to this fund you keep our saws sawing and our drills drilling! Without donations to our Tools Fund most of our work just can´t get done.
If you wish to donate the tools themsleves please see our wishlist and get in touch.
Operations Fund
It may not sound as glamourous as tools or miracles but without donations to our operations PSF would be unable to function. Funds here power our tools, our headquarters, our volunteers, our truck and all our amazing work here in Pisco.
Specifically this fund is what drives our whole operation, it pays our rent and utilities for our headquarters, our transport to assess project sites before we begin work, repairs to our truck, food to keep our volunteers moving, internet to run our website and attract volunteers and a million other things besides.
Without donations to the operations fund PSF cannot be here to assist with the regeneration of this community.