Current Projects
Pisco Sin Fronteras works on two different types of projects: Construction and Community Involvement.

The majority of our work is focused on construction and helping to phsically build houses and community building throughout Pisco and the surrounding area. We do this either through providing the manual labour to work with local engineers or by spearheading our own projects.
Community Involvement

We also run a day care center for disadvantages children and work on several other projects in the community. We teach English, IT and Boxing classes, paint murals, work in schools and community education, and generally try to help improve the living environment for all the people of Pisco.
'Community Involvement'
'Community Involvement'

Spearheaded by Burners Without Borders, we collect used fat from local restaurants and turn it into biodiesel. We then use this to fuel our truck, as well as selling it to generate an income for running costs and to fund Miracle Projects.

There is a lot of work to be done at PSF on the administrative side. We need volunteers to help run the organisation, to work in the office, to assess possible projects, to create and maintain contacts in the community, and to run fundraising initiatives.
Past Projects

In the two years that PSF has been working in and around Pisco we have worked with hundreds of families to help them demolish their old houses and build new ones. We have also worked with schools and local groups to strengthen communities. Here are a selection of some of the past projects that we have worked on.
'Past Projects'
'Past Projects'