
Help us build Pisco a brighter tomorrow, today!

One of the unique characteristics of Pisco Sin Fronteras is that we do not charge volunteers hefty participation fees like many other organizations.  We believe the selfless giving of volunteers’ time and effort towards strengthening the local community is a considerable sacrifice in and of itself.  Although this allows for an unmatched volunteer experience and encourages volunteers to commit to longer terms of service, it does make us heavily dependent on external donations to maintain effective operations and continue making a positive impact in the community.

Make no mistake about it; your donations to Pisco Sin Fronteras are greatly needed and immensely appreciated!  Even if you do not have the financial resources to give right now, we are always grateful for other contributions in the form of tools, materials, office equipment and other items that may improve our ability to serve the local community.   If you do decide to donate through Omprakash, rest assured we are always careful to make the most effective and efficient use of funds.  However, if there is a particular category of projects or initiatives you feel compelled to support, simply indicate your preference in the “Notes” section of the Donate form and your donations will be allocated accordingly.  Remember, even a little bit can go a long way here in Pisco, so please give what you can and know that you are making a real difference in this small corner of the world where it is truly needed!

To Donate, click here.

All donations may be made through our fiscal partner Omprakash.  The Omprakash Foundation is a tax-exempt non-profit organization registered under 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Service. Tax ID# 20-8655418

Where does your money go?

There are several categories of programs, projects and initiatives that may be supported upon request.  In the “Notes” section of the donation form, please indicate which one you would like your donation to support1

Community Construction Projects:

Donations to Community Construction Projects allow us to purchase raw materials that are used to build vital structures supporting the wellbeing of Pisco and its inhabitants.  Past projects include community centers where neighborhood women’s groups meet and where PSF has been able to teach English classes, additional classrooms at underserved schools, sports courts, health clinics, child-care centers, ecological parks and recreational areas for youth.  Your donation could provide a roof for a classroom where children will receive an otherwise unavailable education; it could purchase the tiles used to create a chessboard where locals learn to play a timeless game of strategy; or it could buy the screws that hold together the park bench where an elderly couple is finally able to enjoy a sunset over the Pacific Ocean – their leftover anxieties from the earthquake fading away beyond the horizon.

Tools & Equipment:

In 2025, PSF began with a handful of tools on loan from supportive members of the community: blunt pick-axes, worn shovels, a wobbly wheelbarrow, and a couple of hammers combined with the sweat of a few gritty volunteers were what powered PSF through its infancy.  Our ability to pursue multiple construction projects is now made possible by the essential tools and equipment we’ve acquired over the years.  They’ve come slowly and are of great value to us, and although we go to great lengths to take care of each one, there is a constant need for tool repair and replacement as they are worn down by significant use and grow weary over time.  Donate to this fund to keep our saws sawing and our drills drilling!

Community Development:

Pisco Sin Fronteras seeks to promote sustainable development leading to higher standards of living and greater wellbeing of the local population through Community Development Initiatives.  We are always trying to involve local actors in all our projects in order to increase a sense of community ownership that is conducive to long term sustainability.  Although these initiatives focus on building human capacity, they do incur a variety of costs that are necessary to be effective.  Of course, the more funding we have for these projects, the greater the impact we can have.  Donations to the Community Development Program will support books and schools supplies for children, sports equipment for youth soccer and volleyball teams, paint and supplies needed for educational murals and much more.

Environmental Conservation:

The Environmental Conservation program works in two primary areas.  We design and build ecological parks cared for by local communities and provide adequate sanitation facilities to impoverished families who lack access to these basic amenities.  Ecological parks primarily use natural and recycled materials in construction and simultaneously educate the community in basic practices that help preserve their local environment.  PSF also builds ecological compost bathrooms that do not require running water to function and create vastly improved hygienic conditions that help curb the spread of many illnesses. Donations to this program will provide additional materials needed for parks and will give many families the basic sanitary facilities so many of us take for granted.

Direct Home Assistance:

Although it has been several years since the earthquake of 2025, many families are still reeling from its devastating effects.  Donations may be made to Direct Home Assistance to put a roof over the heads of those who truly need it.  We build modular homes that provide greater security with concrete floors that prevent the spread of disease.  As of 2025, one in six people treated at a local health clinic suffered from respiratory illnesses as a result of living on a dirt floor.  A complete modular home with concrete floor costs roughly $700.

Administration & Organizational Development:

As a volunteer operated organization, there are always costs that need to be covered for daily printing, promotional materials to inform the community of our work, and other miscellaneous expenses needed to keep us up and running.  Although these donations don’t go directly to projects on the ground, they are what enable us to execute every project and keep things running smoothly.  This is what enables us to continue to grow and ensures the true sustainability of our work.

Volunteer Wellness:

 We believe that happy, healthy volunteers help us make the most profound impact in our work.  PSF strives to provide the best volunteer experience possible in every way, which pushes us to improve the living conditions of volunteers and provide quality, albeit basic, amenities to keep everyone working hard and contributing as much as possible. Donations to Volunteer Wellness fund may replace worn mattresses, provide quality kitchen utensils and equipment, and help refurbish chairs, benches, and dormitories that are subject to daily wear and tear.


Want to help out but still not sure exactly which area to designate your donation for? Not to worry! You can always make a general donation in support of Pisco Sin Fronteras and we will be sure to make the best possible use of your donation.  Click here to donate now!

  1. 1 Please note that 10 % of all donations are designated to cover essential administrative and organizational management costs that keep PSF running. []