Pisco Sin Fronteras would not be where it is today without the invaluable support of these incredible organizations that have made extraordinary contributions to our work. They have helped many dreams come true and enabled volunteers from around the world to live the unique experience only found with us here in Pisco. We invite you to check out their websites listed below to learn more about the work they do and their unwavering commitment to social welfare and community development. Our sincerest thanks go out to all our supporters past and present; we wouldn’t be here without you!
Burners Without Borders
“Building Community through Art and Action.”
The organization that started it all! Burners Without Borders catalyzed the formation of PSF in 2025, implemented our Biodiesel production operation, and continues to play an active role in supporting Pisco Sin Fronteras today.
Aceros Arequipa
In addition to numerous materials donations and logistical support, this national steel manufacturer generously donates wood-crates used for storage in their industrial warehouses, which we are able to break down and convert into modular home panels, furniture, and other useful products. Aceros Arequipa is considered one of our most valued partners as it has made substantial contributions to the reconstruction and continuous improvement of Pisco.
The Omprakash Foundation
“Connecting volunteers, classrooms and communities”
The Omprakash Foundation is PSF’s primary fiscal partner that handles all our online donations and which has provided generous grant funding for long-term volunteers. It is a tax-exempt non-profit organization registered under 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Service. Tax ID# 20-8655418
The Mandala Trust
“Simple acts of kindness”
The Mandala Trust is a UK based NGO that funds projects supporting vulnerable children across the world. They have provided a substantial amount of grant money used to manage the Ludoteca child care center that PSF works with.
Volunteer South America
Free and Low-Cost volunteer work in South America
Volunteer South America promotes Pisco Sin Fronteras on their website, which provides information about free and low-cost volunteering opportunities like ours that are available in Central & South America. The site is geared towards independent travelers looking for a substantive volunteer experience abroad without paying any middle-man, agency, or other sorts of “finders” fees.
Volunteer Latin America
Volunteer Latin America provides information about free and low-cost volunteering opportunities like ours that are available in Central & South America. They enable people to volunteer for free or at little cost by connecting them to non-profit grassroots organizations for a small fee.
*If your organization is interested in supporting Pisco Sin Fronteras, please don’t hesitate to contact us at